can we...??


 Let's raise our kids properly and not spoil them in the name of patriarchy or feminism let's act as human on both ends and Stop telling what you wear doesn't matters but what they are thinking matters because what you are wearing also matters it also shows what you were thinking to get while getting ready your mind is also a magnet to attract what you think inside whether you say it or not but it will happen so please stop all this and read what's written below with a broad mind.


 How about girls getting a lesson of what to wear & how to dressup according to where they are going.
As a party outfit nd attitude at a funeral looks disrespectful and vice-versa.
There is a need of people to understand the dressing is equally important as the behaviour. Modernization and modesty goes hand in hand you can't dress up like the most available person and receive respect like a queen or a Princess if you want a treatment like a princess or a queen act like you are unapproachable like them.
While we should teach boys to respect see girls as normally as they are human not their property ready for a takeover, a piece of meat ready to get eaten, a non-living material ready to be grouped or touched, or an item on display that they can stare at regardlessly.

#women #respect #dignity #morals #behavior #actions #teachyourkids #mens #man #gentleman #genderequality #letschangetheworldtogether #changeforbetter #standup #raiseyourvoice #raiseyourvibration #rapeawareness #rapeawareness #molestation #eveteasing #character #clothes #clothing #dressing #dressingsense #dressaccordingly #changeyourmindset #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife #characterbuilding
