A Sign

Everyday we ask God for a sign to help us go throughout the day.
We ask for signs if we are on the right path or not
God always shows us the sign if we are doing something right there will be signs like people out of blues admiring you or your work, you getting more and more inspiration, you loving your task and feeling happy, you getting strength to stand for yourself, you being full of ideas and enthusiasm, you seeing the silver lining, you not being ready to stop working for good, you getting a change in perspective, you seeing the bright side, someone tells everything will make sense, someone helping you to make it work whenever you feel like it won't work while in the same way God always stops us from taking the wrong steps like you not loving your work, you staying dissatisfied all the time, you don't value what you are doing, things not working out even when everything seemed perfect, things not working even when everyone invested and believed in you, your innerself saying it's a bad Idea, your ego getting involved, you continue doing it regardless of result, you not knowing the results etc but
we ignore all to end up creating a mess and then we question God why he didn't gave us a sign or calling the sign itself  as a bad omen just like they marked cat as a bad omen just because it appeared and crossed the path before something bad was about to happen maybe that cat crossed the path to stop you for a while and cherish the nature or its beauty or to take a step back think about your path if you are doing things right or wrong but you continued to move forward and wrong happened now rather than rethinking your actions you called the sign an omen. The cat is just one example the lives are full of such examples.
