Law is Blind but are you ?

This post is gender neutral not all the boys are culprit not all the girls are victims both genders are having half half population of culprits and victims.
It's not about breakup, cheating but in regards with the problem we are facing in everyday life the problem of false accusations which not only takes away the pride but can also take away the life of a victim.
In day to day life we all read so many news about physical torture, attempt to rape, molestation, fraud, forgery, dowry, forced marriage, attempt to murder, lynching etc we read it, talk about it and believe it without thinking it could be other way round, little do we understand not all the cases are filled against the culprits. 

Yes I agree not all males are innocent there are some real culprits roaming around in search of the next catch but there are some empowered women too who don't feel shy in acting as a victim to file a case against an innocent to fulfill their personal interests, they know how blind the law and the society is all they have to do is bleed & cry sharing a false story in which they are victims. In every case the identity of victim is hidden if the victim is a female but in case of boy the identity with a photograph, social media accounts, area they live in, city they belong to, work field, family background everything is telecasted on every channel without thinking what if its all a false alligation will the society forget and accept, We think after the case is resolved people forget what happened??
Yes people do forget the case, the girl but not his name, now the question is will he be taken back to normal life, will he get back his name, respect, job and pride?
No, we only share the News as much as we can and later we torture the real victim more by reminding them the same story, not believing in the courts order, not letting them live a normal life which causes depression, social cutoff, feeling left out, end of the world and ends with suicide.

I as a person want a society where male and female are equally heard and treated.

 I don't want this kind of empowerment where we are taken as 'लड़की बेचारी ही होती है, सही ही बोल रही होगी क्योंकि लड़की है, लड़के की ही गलती होगी, इसी ने कुछ किया होगा, जिसने कुछ नहीं किया वो बाद में कर सकता है क्योंकि इंजम तो लगा है , कुछ तो किया ही होगा, पॉलिटिकल कनेक्शन होंगे, पैसे दे के केस राफा दफा करा लिया होगा|'
I want a society where we are equally respected, treated, rewarded and punished. I want a better world for everyone not only just focusing on one area of society.
