Easier said than done..


 "It's easier said than done" is a serving a bit of a demotivation to the doer because it's easier to let go off a person in problem and only the one concern tries to suggest how one can help themself to get out of the situation they are in. But sadly the quote itself pokes the person in trouble & suggests that it's too easy for others to tell you what to do and if they are this concerned why aren't they trying and helping me out with the problem & if they can't do it for me I don't need their advice too, it's my problem and none of their business I will do what I feel is right no matter what others say or think. This mindset often leads them to a bigger problem or increasing number of problems they had before. Collectively that can shatter someone because along with a pile of problems there are N number of people you are avoiding today for the concern they once showed and tried to guide you in the right direction of working towards an easy life but you wanted the dish (life) well cooked & nicely served in a golden platter.
So please stop recalling this phrase and when someone guides you in that direction try moving ahead with a positive outlook towards your life it's not easier said it's painful to watch you getting shattered, broken as a looser and harder to know only you can help yourself. If someone comes up helping you out you will again be seeking for a Physical help and not learn to grow in real world. It's hard to say because the one saying is putting up their relation in front of you which will grow if you work on their advice to get your life on track and moves towards a dead end of no contact if you take it the other way.
Please understand and work for yourself.
#easiersaidthandone #concern #care #love #quotes #thinkdifferent #healing #help #people #thoughts #lifeisnoteasy #fightforyourdreams
