fight back


It's so common for all of us to read about rapes, molestation and eve teasing in everyday life.
It's not only a problem in India but is faced by women and men too all around the world. We read about ho it happened find the agenda and act upon it accordingly, we ignore if it happened to a boy or if it's a female from an upper class/caste is victim. We go out for candle march only for some and lastly we cry for justice only for the minorities when the law, order and rules are equal for every individual yet we in person are biased towards specific ones only.
Now let's not discuss it because change requires time and continuous efforts in that field.
So, let's come to the point why is it happening ?
The major reason is low mentality, lack of education & sex education, lustful shows promoting sexual violence and sexual activities, religious teachings downgrading women and refering them as unequal or an object to fulfill their physical emotional and material needs, people supporting rapists and blaming the victim (their lifestyle, dressing, work environment and upbringing too), parents of the criminal protecting the criminals by hook or by crook just to keep their public image and lastly webseries, shows and movies presenting rape as revengeful act or power show off.
That is followed by improper punishment regarding the crime, victim staying quiet to protect the name of family, false acquisition getting entertained by law and ignorance towards the crime against men because mentality says no man can be raped but can definitely rape.
All this happening in society being telecasted again and again on tv radio and social media along with general views on how and reasons behind the act and happening that is again subconsciously grasped & affecting every mind in the society which may come in action at anytime.
Now a days kids or toddlers are prime victim reason is they are weak and helpless, they trust easily, they easily get manipulated, scared & bullied, they are unaware of what's happening to them.
If we start to stand against the crime, be the hero take any instant action may it be cutting the genital, breaking their heads or bones, killing the culprit or any frequent violent act to save the victim or yourself and later lodge a complaint against the criminal so strong legal action could be taken against them may change the whole scenario. The news saying a ____ raped/molested by a ______ and left the victim in partially dead or dead state.. makes us feel pity for the victim so it should get charged to a ___ trying to rape/ molest a ____ had to face a major challenge for committing a crime by a warrior victim who fought back and saved themself. There is minor change in the news yet a major difference in conditioning the social mindset now people will automatically be afraid of committing this crime because result can be worst.
I believe this will definitely bring change in the society and it will start getting better everyday.
