Generational pattern






 Your life is not only yours and at this time only it's a combination of many past lives and a spoon full of experiences your family background has passed on to you just like the DNA so there are so many experiences they have experienced that you have stored in your DNA there are so many experiences your soul have experienced that are unknown to your body yet you are scared of it, you don't know how you know but you really know it, there are some random things you know how it's used but have never seen those instruments before, so many places you visit for the first time but feels like you have lived there or you know this place.
The happy moments are not an issue but the traumatic experiences keeps alive and stays within but the worst is it will definitely pass on from one generation to another till someone takes it a one for all to put an end to this generational pattern by healing self and going within looking for the root of the experience.
Yes you can't erase what happened but you can embrace what happened and tell yourself what has already happened has made you aware, alert and wise enough to not let it happen, you tell yourself that no matter what the situation was it won't repeat you won't blame yourself, you will take care of it you believe in yourself.
This way you stop feeding your fears and break the chain you will feel an ease and healed pain your body and mind will feel lighter but most importantly your future generations will be thankful for your strength because now the fear is transformed into strength.
