

 It's almost said by everyone once in their lifetime that 'success isn't everything' yet everyone is running after being successful ever thought why is it so so it's because in reality we are confused about what exactly success means.

Success is different in each time period & for everyone. For early humans success means staying alive, for the industrialist success ment selling more goods and being a brand, for the fighters in battlefield success means winning over the opponents, for inventors success was inventing a beautiful masterpiece that can work properly for betterment of the society and be marked as a big invention, for discoverers a new discovery of something, where as for a businessman success means getting more profit, for a teacher success means secured future of the students, for the students success means good marks, for a parents success means seeing the family happy, for the prime minister success means a powerful nation able to overcome all the challenges, for a farmer success means better crop, for a plant success means creating food and serving it's purpose, for animals success means living and protecting their tribe.
 So what exactly now success is for you if you call success has collecting more money and having your name on TV screen then honestly speaking there are so many beggars who have collected millions of rupees and are on TV with the news headlines 'a millionaire beggar' but are they successful ?
A psychopath who can killed many innocent people and robbed them for  collecting money the media may broadcast their news do you call them successful ?
 Osama bin Laden was successful in 9/11 yet do you call him successful ?
No this means success always counts the action so if your deeds are not good enough wise enough or progressive towards the society's enhancement then you are not successful. 
If you'll ask me how successful I want to be?
The answer to this is I want to be so successful that when I'll die people will cry from the bottom of their hearts for loosing me, cry in pain of not getting another me, but along with those tears there should be prayers and wishes for my soul to rest in peace.
