demand and supply


 The post is for people who are using their body as a shortcut to gain people's attention and reach to a position without struggling or competing in true sense but by using their body as a resource. I know you need that position or you want to get admiration but you can work hard to achieve what you want there are people ready to eat you out there in professional world but just because you did for that one thing you are giving away the mindset everyone should be open to this & honestly speaking there are people not willing to get touch or seen that way not because we are old school or with narrow mentally but because we want to save our energy field our pride and have enough confidence on our work to easily attain our goals and ambition we don't have to show off our skin or share our bodies with someone we don't have any feelings with.
Next by you acting open there are some men who actually wants to stay loyal but unfortunately get into lust as you are offering it without even asking for this ends up getting more and more into this sort of secret affair and the result is broken House the mistakes caused by adults have the most adverse and devastating effects on the minds of their kids mental health and kills a part of them so please stop doing it on your own or when asked the world works on demand and supply you the support gets cut short the demand will automatically be restrained.


 #lust #extramarital #sex #moderndayproblem #secratery #work #body #resource #officeaffair #affair #position #class #actlikealady #work
