the world

Narcissism and empathy are not adaptive traits that you can change in the course of time it's there since birth so thinking it will come to balance is an illusion it's more like the relationship between a cup with a hole & another cup slowly trying to fill it thinking it's will get filled one day and forgetting it doesn't have a never ending water in itself.

 Not every day is the same not every day you feel good some starts with sunshine, some starts with feeling blue but every day has something to learn every day counts as brand new you never know where it may lead you to just go with the flow like a drop of dew.


 It's easy for people to leave you at your weakest most people drown in depression not only because of the circumstances they are going through but also because of unwelcoming, unhealthy, unsupportive, or diplomatic behaviour of the people a person reach out to expecting understanding behaviour and healthy talk.

