Intimacy and energy transfer


 Intimacy and energy transfer

 The easiest way of proper energy transfer is intercourse as it not only connects two bodies but also aligns chakras and two auras so the vibrational field of one person transfers to the other. Now you may question how come one is feeling drained while other is relieved? It's because negativity gets heavier instantly positivity takes time and healing to take over the negative. 

It's more like black colour can instantly stain the white and take away it's absolute whiteness with its shadow of dark but white will win over the black if its continuously poured into black. 

The white too is powerful enough to reduce the strength of black by making it shade lighter than an absolute black maybe that's why people feel a bit easy sharing themselves with an empaths or healed person because for once they are feelings a little lighter than normal but it's all intentional unintentional selfishness of human beings to pass on their toxic burden to someone and steal their peace of mind.

Just like a smallest shade or size of dark overpowers the white by gaining all the attention towards itself the negative emotions of other person also disturbs the balance and harmony of white and creates a ripple effect of chaos inside which can only be healed by knowing it's presence, meditating and reaching out to our souls hurting inside.



